Wednesday, February 12, 2025


Life Hacks


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How To Give Our Kids The Easy Button To Trust In God

I went to my Women's Bible Study today, like every Tuesday morning, 9:30-11:30am. And got THE BEST IDEA around 10:45am, so let's just jump...

The True Meaning of Mom Guilt

You know that nagging feeling in the back of your mind? You can't quite put your finger on it, but something doesn't feel right. And then it hits...

Book Review: Cholesterol Clarity by Jimmy Moore + Dr. Eric Westman

Cholesterol Clarity by Jimmy Moore and Dr. Eric Westman is a groundbreaking and revolutionary book for anyone wanting to learn about cholesterol, its role...

My Go-To Checklist For My 11 Day Jumpstart

Listen, I'm not here to take up your whole day with a big long post, I'm just here to say, "Hey, here's what I...

Lymphatic Dry Brushing – A Mom’s Guide to Rejuvenation

Being a mom is hard work, amiright? AND it can really take its toll on our bodies. Between chasing after the kids and maintaining...

More 11 Day Jumpstart Reviews….

Today you’re hearing from one of our 11-Day Jumpstart participants. I think it’s important for you to read what real people are experiencing. Julie,...

How I Hack My Brain To Basically Be The Limitless Pill…

Ready to hear how I hack my brain to basically feel like I’m on the limitless pill? I was at a mastermind and everybody...

How To Start A Business With Your Kid!

How would you like to help your kids start a business? This sets our kids up for so much in their future. I’m not...

850 Symptoms….GONE.

In today’s blog I’m excited to share about an invention that changed my life. It also dramatically changed a friend’s life right in front...

The 11 Day Jumpstart – How It’s Going

How is the 11-Day Jumpstart going? The 11-Day Jumpstart is the program my Young Living team and my Cutting Edge Students are in that...

Speaking Life And Growing Plants (Yes, It’s Crazy)

Ready to talk about life and plants? I used to be somebody that killed plants. I always loved going to people’s houses that had...

How To Kick Your Anxiety To The Curb

How can you kick your anxiety to the curb? We live in a world that gains from us being anxious. The world around us...